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5 Top Tips to make women in your organisation feel safer at work.

Do you feel safe at work?

Let's start by standing up against workplace harassment.

Work should be a place where everyone feels safe, respected, and empowered to pursue their dreams. Sadly, as we have seen again recently in the NHS, women in the professional world often encounter workplace harassment, an issue that needs our attention and support.

The #MeToo movement brought this problem into the spotlight, but there's still work to be done.

Workplace harassment can take various forms, from unwanted advances and inappropriate comments to more serious offenses like sexual assault and intimidation. It can have far-reaching effects, causing emotional distress, creating a hostile work environment, and hindering career growth.

Balancetogether’s 5 TOP TIPS:

1.    Raise Awareness: Open conversations in the workplace about harassment and educate everyone about what constitutes harassment. When we all know what to look out for, we can stand up against it.

2.    Establish Reporting Mechanisms: Ensure there are easy ways for employees to report harassment. Feeling safe when reporting is crucial for building trust.

3.    Implement Zero-Tolerance Policies: Companies should have strict policies against harassment, and they should apply them consistently. When we know there are consequences for inappropriate behaviour, we're less likely to tolerate it.

4.    Promote Inclusivity: Create a workplace culture that celebrates diversity and inclusion. This gives women and all marginalized groups the recognition and support they deserve.

5.    Mentorship and Advocacy: Encourage women to seek mentorship and advocate for their careers. With a support network, they can navigate challenges and rise in their professions.

Eliminating workplace harassment against women is a collective effort that can create a more friendly and harmonious work environment. Companies, employees, and society at large must work hand in hand to empower women and ensure they flourish in their careers. By taking these steps, we can build workplaces where everyone feels respected, safe, and free from harassment. Together, we can make a positive change!

Get in touch today!

Karen - 07766 405 773
Chris - 07976 212 981
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