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Our Method

Our Method

Overview - Getting to know your organisationfrom a gender-balance perspective  

Sir David Brailsford demonstrated the value of what he called the ‘aggregation of marginal gains’ by leading the British Cycling team to their first Tour de France win in 2010 and bringing home 70% of the gold medals for cycling in the 2012 Olympics. Brailsford explained this as ‘the 1% margin for improvement in everything you do’. If you make enough small 1% improvements, these quickly add up to remarkable improvements. 

The impact of more female managers on better decisions, productivity, attrition, and profits are all well-documented. Balancetogether helps you to discover your marginal gains across all areas of your organisation to increase your performance, starting with an exploratory discussion to understand your organisational ambitions, the current make-up of your organisation from a gender-balance perspective, and what you currently do to deliver greater gender-balance.  

7 Steps to Success

Step 1 –  Identify your Goals 

The exploratory discussion is the first step in the process and enables us to understand your ambitions, current position, how you are currently measuring gender-balance, and your commitment to close the gaps. It gives us clarity on your organisation’s purpose, goals and journey.  

We make sure we understand your aspirations and challenges and can tailor our diagnostics and approach to meet your individual needs.  

Step 2 – Uncover your gaps

How confident are you that your staff are experiencing equal opportunities and more importantly, that your organisation is benefiting from a balanced workforce? You may be surprised what our diagnostic can uncover? 

  • 80% of women have seen inappropriate behaviour or remarks based on gender and have been prevented from expressing their views at work
  • Women are more likely to receive critical feedback based on gender

Successful and ambitious organisations recognise that work is not a level playing field for women, and in some industries not for men either. 

Our diagnostics include an online survey and face to face diagnostics. The online survey provides an independent, confidential way to gather accurate, relevant information on the behaviours, opinions, satisfaction, needs and potential issues inside your organisation.  


Our face-to-face diagnostics are bespoke and based on the aspirations and needs of your individual organisation. These typically include focus groups and one to one interviews. It is possible to hold these remotely via a meetings platform. 

Focus groups add real value. Their many benefits include a deeper understanding of what is really going on in an organisation. Working in a face-to-face or virtual team provides the opportunities to explore, in more detail, questions asked in surveys and reasons behind the data. Another key advantage is the ability to see reactions in the moment, rather than thought-through opinions. 

Step 3 – Present your results  

We gather all the information into an easy-to-understand format and explore and make sense of your data with you.  

It’s important to reflect on what the data is telling us before we leap into recommendations and solutions-mode. It works best if you can include members of the senior team in this conversation, as this secures further buy-in to the process. The raw data (i.e., what people think) can often provide the impetus that organisations need to address their gaps.

Step 4 – Recommend your journey 

“When you have too many top priorities, you effectively have no top priorities.” Stephen Covey 

The wealth of information can feel overwhelming. This stage helps you to prioritise your results in line with organisational goals and ambitions. We support you to work out your priorities by the areas that are going to deliver the biggest impact on your gender-diversity goals.  

Step 5 – Design your plan  

Before embarking on any change, we define your success measures, to ensure your efforts are hitting the target. We support you to draw up a dashboard of metrics, directly related to the programme of change that you are driving; your journey to improve your ‘marginal gains’. 

Transparency of information will be critical to the success of the work that we do together. Achieving greater gender-balance is not just a women’s cause and the sooner that organisations realise that men are key allies, the better. Many organisations are unaware of the obstacles they operate that inadvertently prevent women’s progress, or what they need to do to improve gender-balance. Having clear and transparent information draws attention to the gaps and keeps everyone up to date on the impact and success of the actions you put in place.  

Behind the data, we support you to create a strategic plan with headline goals, directly linked to key metrics for success.  

Step 6 – Guide your implementation 

We support you to break your ambitions into actions and to work with the champions in your organisation to achieve your goals. Gender-balance is an organisation-wide issue, and not something that sits with Human Resources alone.  

We have ‘check-in’ meetings to see how things are going and whether you need to make any ‘tweaks’ to the plan to adapt to any changes in circumstances within your business, and to make sure you keep up momentum.  

The dashboard of metrics acts as motivation to keep delivering against your goals, as you see your numbers going in the right direction. 

Step 7 – Evaluate your performance  

As well as tracking your own progress through the dashboard, we recommend that you run our diagnostic survey on a regular basis; an annual survey enables you to see the progress you are making.  

It’s important that actions you put in place deliver long-term impact and that you sustain your achievements. Engaging with us in an annual review meeting provides for ongoing objective insight into your organisation, and for the ongoing recommendations and suggestions that are going to support you to make a difference.  

Get in touch today!

Karen - 07766 405 773
Chris - 07976 212 981
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Realise the benefits of better gender-balance and don't get left behind.

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