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What is your employee engagement survey telling you about the benefits of flexible working?

Employee engagement survey; an insight into flexible working

Flexible working is key for attracting new talent and it’s proven that flexible work practices reduce employee turnover.

Flexible working gives employees the freedom to choose when, where, and how they work. It breaks away from the traditional 9-to-5 office routine and lets people have more control over their schedules and locations. Since the pandemic working from home has become far more prevalent, but are organisations tapping into the when and the how as much?

Here are some common ways it works:

Remote work: Doesn’t have to mean home or office, it could be a cosy coffee shop, the local park or even while exploring new places. It's all about finding the right spot for maximum productivity.

Flextime: Forget rigid start and end times. With flextime, you can adjust your work schedule within certain limits to suit your personal needs. It's all about finding that sweet spot for work-life harmony.

Compressed workweek: Who says you must work five days a week? With a compressed workweek, you can put in full-time hours in fewer days. That means more time for yourself or your loved ones.

Part-time work: If you want to work fewer hours, part-time work should be an option. It gives you the flexibility to pursue other passions or balance work with personal commitments.

Job sharing: Imagine sharing a full-time job with a colleague. It's like having your workload split, so you can both have fulfilling work lives while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

These are just some of the perks of flexible working:

Better work-life balance: Flexible working allows you to manage your personal and family responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.

Increased productivity: When you have the freedom to work during your most productive hours and in environments that suit you best, you can accomplish tasks with greater focus and efficiency.

Talent magnet: Offering flexible working options is a big draw for talented individuals. It shows that the company values work-life balance and trusts its employees. It's a great way to attract and retain top-notch talent.

Happy and healthy employees: Flexible working promotes employee well-being and helps prevent burnout, reduces stress, and boosts overall mental and physical health.

Embracing diversity and inclusion: Flexible working arrangements support individuals with different needs, whether they are caregivers, people with disabilities, or those with unique scheduling requirements. It fosters an inclusive and supportive work environment for everyone.

With all these benefits it is hard to understand why so few job adverts mention flexible working!  We know a significant number of talented women are sat at home unable to return to a nine to five routine and an outdated culture that demonstrates a lack of trust in its employees.

If your job adverts don't mention flexible working, here are just some of the risks:

Limited applicant pool: Many job seekers are actively look for positions with flexible work options. It's important to cast a wider net to get the best talent!

Reduced competitiveness: Flexibility has become an expectation in today's job market. If competitors include flexible working arrangements in their job adverts, and you don’t, it’s likely to you’re your adverts less appealing. Stay ahead of the game and highlight your flexible work culture!

Higher turnover rates: Employees who prioritise flexibility might accept a job without realising it's not available. When they find out later, they can become dissatisfied and more likely to leave.

Negative employer brand perception: How a company supports work-life balance affects its reputation as an employer. If flexible working isn't mentioned or offered consistently, it may be seen as inflexible. Organisations should be mindful of their brand and show they value employee well-being.

To mitigate these risks, be friendly and open in your job adverts about flexible working options. Let candidates know that you support work-life balance and are ready to discuss their needs. By doing so, you'll attract the right candidates and set the stage for a harmonious work environment and reap the rewards in next year’s staff engagement survey.

Get in touch today!

Karen - 07766 405 773
Chris - 07976 212 981
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