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Let's boast about our new sponsor programme

If you are serious about tackling gender diversity in the workplace, then a Sponsor Programme is an absolute must!

In today's ever-evolving workplace, we're all realising that diversity and inclusion aren't just buzzwords – they're key to success. And what better way to make a real impact than by introducing a sponsor programme tailored for the talented women in your organisation?

Sponsor programmes are often confused with Mentoring, but it is very different. Unlike mentoring, which primarily involves guidance and advice, sponsorship involves the sponsor actively advocating for the protégé by seeking and creating opportunities, endorsing their skills, and opening doors to career advancements.

A Sponsor programme directly tackles gender imbalances, ensuring that women get the same shot at climbing the corporate ladder as their male colleagues. When you get the chance to demonstrate your leadership capabilities, it’s easy to see how this can significantly accelerate professional growth. You may have seen this in what’s called ‘The Old Boys Network’, or is it ‘The ALL Boys Network?’

Diverse teams mean diverse ideas. A sponsor programme unleashes the full potential of your workforce, making your organisation more creative and adaptable. When employees see their organisation actively supporting diversity and inclusion, it's a real morale boost. Happy employees stick around longer.

Tips for success:

  • Buy-in from the Executive leadership is crucial. It sets the tone and ensures the programme's success.
  • Select senior leaders who are committed to the programme's goals, will really push for the advancement of female talent, and ultimately put their neck on the line!
  • Find the women in your organisation with potential, drive, and a hunger for growth.
  • Equip sponsors and proteges with the know-how they need for this adventure.
  • Regular check-ins help set goals, provide feedback, and keep things on track.
  • Stay agile; make changes as you go along to fine-tune the program for success.

Introducing a sponsor programme for the women in your organization is not just a formality. It's a game-changer. You're not just promoting women; you're propelling your organisation to new heights. A diverse team isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a must-have for innovation and success.

Let's make it happen!

Get in touch today!

Karen - 07766 405 773
Chris - 07976 212 981
Email -

Realise the benefits of better gender-balance and don't get left behind.

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