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Are you experiencing workplace discrimination as a menopausal or perimenopausal woman?

Menopause Discrimination

A new study by Forth, a Chepstow based healthcare company about the challenges faced by women found that across the UK, 69% of respondents answered “Yes” to the question “Do you think women face discrimination in the workplace due to menopause?”

Forth say that the impact of menopause on the professional lives of women cannot be overstated.

The company contacted women to ask what specific aspects of their work life were impacted by bias and discrimination related to menopause. It seems that promotions were a key issue, and many said how they were perceived when dealing with menopause symptoms at work – being branded ‘emotional’ or ‘hormonal’ – and not being taken seriously.

A study by the Fawcett Society revealed that 10% of women decided to leave their jobs due to the symptoms associated with menopause and that workplace discrimination comes in various forms, ranging from subtle biases to outright exclusion.

This discrimination not only affects individual women but also has significant implications for businesses at large. Companies risk losing valuable talent, experience, and expertise when women feel compelled to leave their jobs prematurely due to the challenges posed by menopause.

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