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Why it’s okay to focus your ED&I efforts on gender-balance

You can't boil the ocean

Sometimes working in ED&I feels like an unsurmountable set of tasks…you must make sure that you support all protected characteristics ….. and don’t forget those that are not protected by employment law; different socio-economic backgrounds, for example. Where do you start? How can you make an impact? How do you decide what is more important, when it is all so important?

As part of balancetogether’s autumn programme ‘Get on board for better gender-balance’ we hope you find this content insightful and helpful.

While ambition is a valuable trait, there is a concept worth considering: not boiling the ocean. We need to avoid trying to tackle everything at once and instead focus our efforts on achievable, manageable goals.

As a general rule of thumb, people professionals should be working to create an inclusive environment for everyone, but alongside that, it is okay to focus on individual under-represented groups in line with your people’s passions and interests, otherwise your ED&I efforts become tokenistic and inconsequential, not to mention frustrating and demotivational for people professionals.

There is much to be said for pushing agendas for under-represented groups one at a time and involving a network of people who are passionate about making a difference. Here are some key reasons why you should not attempt to ‘boil the ocean’:

  • Attempting to tackle massive goals can lead to burnout and a loss of enthusiasm. By focusing on smaller, more attainable objectives, we can maintain our energy and motivation for the long haul.
  • When we try to do everything at once, our efforts become diluted, making it difficult to achieve any meaningful progress in any area. Focusing on specific goals allows us to work more efficiently and achieve better results.
  • Setting specific, manageable goals provides clarity and direction. It's easier to make decisions and prioritise tasks when you have a clear understanding of what you're trying to achieve.
  • Small victories along the way can boost our morale and motivation. When we don't boil the ocean, we can see tangible progress, which can encourage us to keep moving forward. balancetogether does a lot of work around measuring impact and we will be sending out a blog soon, focussed on just this.
  • Being flexible and adaptable is essential in today's ever-changing world. By not boiling the ocean, we can adjust our goals and strategies more easily as circumstances evolve.


Remember, it's not about doing everything; it's about doing the right things well. So, embrace the art of focus and start achieving your ED&I goals one step at a time.

Get in touch today!

Karen - 07766 405 773
Chris - 07976 212 981
Email -

Realise the benefits of better gender-balance and don't get left behind.

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